
Man... just following up on this! For me, this product is best used towards the end of a long and taxing gig, or towards the end of a similar practice session. It reinforces the right muscle engagement and muscle memory. On a gig where I'm feeling a little tired, it comes in handy to make the last stretch of the gig that much easier, and helps to remove some of the thought process on the horn so I can just play and focus on the music. On a tiring practice session, it helps me get a few more reps in and helps to remind me of what efficient trumpet playing feels like and helps to remind my muscles that I don't need to force anything or tense up. All the "grippiness" does is improve the seal so your air is moving the right way, and it immediately helps the muscles remember how to open up and relax, while engaging in the right spots. A really useful thing I've been doing is playing with it when I'm tired and then immediately removing it (via a couple quick wipes with a shirt or a towel) and trying to sound and feel the exact same without it on the mouthpiece. It's an excellent practice aid, and a useful performance enhancer, and it's very very affordable. I just finished using it and it makes an immediate and noticeable difference. It is not a product that will make or break a player (nor is it designed to be), but it's got a multitude of very practical and helpful uses. Oh also, it can be applied very easily in seconds and doesn't gunk up the horn at all. Props to Matt Fattal for real! He's a great dude, an amazing player, and all in all just a badass human. This isn't a paid promotion, but if I get some high profile gigs we can talk, Matt.


I purchased it because I am a French Horn player, also. I use it on my FH mouthpiece. Love it!
