MF Lip Grip FAQ

What is consistently regarded as the #1 problem among brass players?

Endurance. Consistency. Having all the skill in the world, only to be undone by that challenging piece that stretches one’s physical abilities to the limit.

What if there was a product that could not only improve your endurance, slotting, even tone quality, but is 100% safe to the skin and will pass every legal challenge in existence?

There is such a product, and it is MF Lip Grip.

MF Lip Grip is an organic hemp-based product that when applied to the mouthpiece provides what might be labeled a “seal” between the embouchure and the mouthpiece. It provides a “grip” with the mouthpiece that goes way beyond what is produced from the natural saliva (or lack thereof, depending on one’s preference).

In a craft where even the most minuscule adjustment can mean the difference between success and failure, MF Lip Grip provides a grip on the mouthpiece, giving the player a measure of assurance they’ll hit the right note, every time.

How does lip grip work?

Just as a golfer improves his grip on the club with a glove, or a gymnast improves their grip on the parallel bars with chalk, MF Lip Grip mimics that effect.

Simply apply a drop or two onto the mouthpiece and let it dry. Upon putting it to your mouth, you’ll notice an instant “grip” on the mouthpiece. Without compromising your natural embouchure, you’ll find a newfound confidence in your ability to play the proverbial “higher, faster, louder” with ease compared to without it.

What are people saying about lip grip?

“I’m waiting for one person to try the product and tell me I’m full of Sh*t!”

Are there people who don’t like it? Of course. However, Fattal reports that the only “naysayers” he’s encountered are the individuals who aren’t even willing to try it!

Every person who’s given it a shot reports an increase in endurance, confidence in the higher register, and even volume.

At the recent International Trumpet Guild conference in Anaheim, CA trumpeters of all skill and ability levels stopped by the MF Lip Grip booth to see what the “buzz” was all about.

“We’re not in the business of name-dropping,” reports Fattal. “The product will stand on its own merit once people try it. We have agreements with some of the biggest names in the business to help develop the product. Their input has been essential in its initial success.”

Is lip grip like batting gloves for the chops?

In an age where everything is constantly evolving, Fattal believes we should constantly be innovating our approach to mastering brass instruments. This of course applies to the physical elements.

So lets talk about the physics of brass playing for a moment.

If you’re a hard core runner, and you have a pair of running shoes that are even 6 months old, you’re going to suffer from shin splints, sore knees and more. Losing just the tiniest amount of rubber from the soles of the shoes is enough to affect the energy that is consumed running so that it causes some pretty serious pain for the runner.

The core principle behind MF Lip Grip is using less physical energy while playing. Or better said, using the same amount of energy more efficiently than without its use.

If you’ve ever watched a baseball game, you’ll notice the batters always have a glove on one of their hands. This is because of basic physics. The increased grip increases the efficiency of the energy transferred to the bat from the batter’s muscles, which significantly increases the energy transferred into the ball, thus directly increasing the distance that ball will travel, hopefully resulting in a “grand slam.”

The same principle applies when using MF Lip Grip. With better grip on the mouthpiece comes better efficiency, thus leading to an increase in available energy, allowing the player to “knock it out of the park” on the horn.

So what’s in lip grip?

While Fattal will not reveal the exact specs of the formula, the primary ingredients are clearly listed on each label of the product.

Those ingredients are: Isopropyl alcohol; USDA certified organic hemp; blue dye #1; water; glycerin; methyl salicylate (aka wintergreen); yellow dye #5.

The Lip Grip formula - and thousands of variations of said formula - is proprietary and “Patent Pending” as of May 27th, 2024.

Hemp…Isn’t that illegal?

No. The hemp itself contains less than .3% THC, which makes it fully compliant with all state and federal regulations concerning industrial and commercial purposes.

And what makes the THC psychoactive in any form is heat. You could eat a handful of cannabis plants and not get high, but light it on fire, and it triggers the psychoactive reaction with the body and mind.

The bottom line is even if you’re playing is “on fire,” using MF Lip Grip is 100% legal! Rest assured in spite of the presence of cannabis in the product, there is absolutely no chance of “getting high” or worse, running afoul of the law.

Why should I try lip grip?

If a NBA or WNBA player had access to a legal product that allowed him or her to have even a 1% increase in their efficiency as a basketball player, you’d better believe they’ll be using it.

Like professional athletes, brass players know that the tiniest detail matters when it comes to maximizing the efficiency of the human energy expended into mastering their instrument.

MF Lip Grip is designed by a working pro trumpeter who knows what it takes to perform at a high level.

Why not give it a try and see for yourself if it will make a difference in your playing?

Do we guarantee you’ll love it? That it will instantly make you into the next superstar on your horn?


We can’t even guarantee it will work the way you imagine it might work for you after reading this FAQ.

We can guarantee that everyone who has given MF Lip Grip a shot has admitted it yields positive results in their playing after using it.

Exactly how it will affect performance will vary from player to player, but we’re so confident in its efficacy, we offer a 100% money back guarantee, meaning if you purchase a bottle of Lip Grip and for whatever reason you feel it’s just not right for you, just send it back and your money will be refunded, no questions asked.